Bourrasque by Paul Cocksedge


"London designer Paul Cocksedge recently completed another sculpture resembling pieces of paper caught in the breeze, although this time the leaves glow like a swarm of fireflies. Installed in the courtyard of a hotel in Lyon, the 25-metre-long Bourrasque sculpture was completed for the city’s annual Festival of Lights."

Firefly Path

Vestidos que escaparon de la tierra de la fantasía y llegaron a este mundo

Entornos Responsivos

Los entornos responsivos: 
cuando el espacio se convierte en formas  

"Las arquitecturas sensibles son aquellas que miden las condiciones actuales del entorno a través de sensores para posibilitar que los edificios se adapten en forma, aspecto, color o carácter adaptable (eje centra de esto son lo que llaman los actuators=actores + sensores)."

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Creative Applications

Blog acerca de nuevos inventos e innovaciones.

Tag: Light

Entrevista a Daan Roosegaarde

Your projects Dune, Intimacy and Smart Highway are all tactile high-tech environments in which viewers and space become one. You have described this as ‘techno-poetry’- what does this mean exactly?
Techno-poetry is about imagination, innovation and seeing that emotions are connected to the digital world.

Entrevista completa