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Paul Cocksedge Studio

Paul Cocksedge Studio was founded in 2004 by Paul Cocksedge and Joana Pinho. With a strong and dedicated team of collaborators, the Studio has won national and international acclaim for its original and innovative design, underpinned by research into the limits of technology, materials and manufacturing processes.

Bourrasque by Paul Cocksedge


"London designer Paul Cocksedge recently completed another sculpture resembling pieces of paper caught in the breeze, although this time the leaves glow like a swarm of fireflies. Installed in the courtyard of a hotel in Lyon, the 25-metre-long Bourrasque sculpture was completed for the city’s annual Festival of Lights."

Firefly Path

Vestidos que escaparon de la tierra de la fantasía y llegaron a este mundo

Entornos Responsivos

Los entornos responsivos: 
cuando el espacio se convierte en formas  

"Las arquitecturas sensibles son aquellas que miden las condiciones actuales del entorno a través de sensores para posibilitar que los edificios se adapten en forma, aspecto, color o carácter adaptable (eje centra de esto son lo que llaman los actuators=actores + sensores)."

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Creative Applications

Blog acerca de nuevos inventos e innovaciones.

Tag: Light

Entrevista a Daan Roosegaarde

Your projects Dune, Intimacy and Smart Highway are all tactile high-tech environments in which viewers and space become one. You have described this as ‘techno-poetry’- what does this mean exactly?
Techno-poetry is about imagination, innovation and seeing that emotions are connected to the digital world.

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